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Lori B. Testimonial

Just wanted to send Sarah these pictures of me riding the chairlift in Gatlinburg Sunday! I didn't have even the slightest bit of anxiety about it!!! It was AMAZING!!! I wasn't scared at all, not when we were talking about going, not while waiting in line, and not while riding it up and down the mountain!! I even wanted to go on the 200 foot ferris wheel in Pigeon Forge that night but we ran out of time. We're going back in a couple weeks and I'm going to ride it then for sure!!! I even feel like maybe I could hop on a plane and take off somewhere. It's so unbelievable! Looking at these pictures before would have made my heart race and my stomach sick. Now it just makes me smile and feel SO proud of myself!!! Thank you so much for your help. I'm so excited to see what I can do now :) ~ Lori B.

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